Here’s our ultimate guide to get you through the healthy eating week 2020!
The 2020 Healthy Eating Week runs from the 28th September – 4th October 2020. The British Nutrition Foundation has released the following guidance for the week break down:
- Monday (28/09) = Eat more whole grains
- Tuesday (29/09) = Vary your veg
- Wednesday (30/09) = Drink Plenty
- Thursday (01/10) = Move more
- Friday (02/10) = Be mind kind
- Saturday (03/10) = Get active together
- Sunday (04/10) = Eat together
What can you do each day?
Monday – Eat more whole grains:
Whole grains – what are those?! Most children may struggle to identify what a whole grain is. This is your first task, raising whole-grain awareness. Can you embed this into your tutorial plan for the week?
After this get label crazy in the canteen and start showcasing those whole grains!
Tuesday – Vary your Veg:
Well, vary your veg sounds like a competition. Which tutor group or class can name the most vegetables is my first task! You could set this up by using padlet with each tutor group or by simply getting them to write a list and emailing it over to you. Just make sure those teacher’s don’t cheat!
Can you talk to your canteen to see if you can offer a more diverse range of vegetables this day?
Go around at lunch time and reward those students who are trying something a little bit different.
Wednesday – Drink plenty:
How many glasses of water should you drink a day? Why is water so good for us?
Let’s start to educate on hydration facts during tutor time and make sure the students know why!
Ask your teachers to really focus on including water breaks into lessons. If you are in a primary school why not complete the 8 pint class challenge (sorry about all the toilet breaks!) and tally up those scores. You could easily draw a jug on the board and fill it in at each drink break.
Thursday – Move More:
Well this tutorial is going to be an active one. Some of the more confident teachers may want to deliver their own active tutor, for those who don’t get over to YouTube and find a video your class will love!
Can you challenge your teachers to add active tasks into their lessons throughout the day?
Here’s a few ideas:
- Active storytelling – when reading a story children need to act out the actions.
- Maths orienteering – children have to go and complete the maths challenges located in different areas of the school.
- Embed kagan approaches into your lessons – most of them include moving around the room in some way.

Friday – Be more kind:
Random acts of kindness are shown to have a positive impact on our wellbeing. Can we celebrate this in our school today? Set aside 5 minutes in the afternoon for students to share a moment in their day where someone was kind to them.
If you’re in a secondary school this approach might not work so well with those lovely year 9’s. Why not encourage teachers to give out more praise for random acts of kindness that day?
Saturday and Sunday:
Set your students some home learning!
A short diary excerpt of how they ate together and exercised together is a good starting point.
Our last tip:
Head over to the BNF website and download all of their free resources to help you have a successfully healthy eating week 2020!
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